some interesting peoples: - I really like the textures and shapes she plays with. One of the films she worked on - Garuda (an opening for Annecy '08) has really nice things going on with shifting light and colour. - also worked on Garuda, and I love the concept art done for it, but check out her short FX film. Cool lighting and snappy movement. Snappy like a.. Snappy dresser. Does anybody say that anymore? Hm. - some lovely landscape studies, and lots of observational stuff. Go digging in his earlier posts for some cool 2D/3D animation and layout drawings. - nice colours, but I especially like the gestures and shapes in her figures. - interesting studies in rendering differently textured objects; candles, metal pots, stone, bags, etc. - you've probably been here before - but check out the concepts and colour scripts for UP. And the animation tests! Changing light and so on. Very cool. But, er, don't do it yet if you don't want to be spoiled for the storyline.
I'll post more later, when I start going through my 'check this person out' list. Sometime after assessment. Hoho. Er.